
11. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Eleven (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).

11. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Eleven (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).
The question of Az Yashir (the exodus) being included in Pesukei DiZimra (as is our custom) or after Yishtabach (as the RaSaG and the RaMbaM hold) depends on the following idea.
But first: Pesukei DiZimra we talk ABOUT God in a way that we relate to and excites us. Birchos Kriyas Shema we actually attempt to develop a relationship with Him. This (latter ) idea requires more mind and personalization and less heart and generalization.
Az Yashir is in question for this reason is it the beginning of the relationship or are we still ‘just talking about Him’??
We explained it like seeing Him (overt miracles) and wondered if seeing is permanent and deep enough to form a bond or just to get a reaction.
In earlier times it could be the beginning of a bond, but not a deep on, so it was placed after we finish Pesukei DiZimra (after Yishtabach), but before Barchu.
Nowadays, seeing is very powerful but fleeting and it creates no relationship so it is IN Pesukei DiZimra.

11. Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, Class Eleven (Machon LiYahadus 5783/ 2023).

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