A very involved Padah Bishalom Ma’amar.
Shalom is Yechida that gives koach to a lower Yid to serve on the level of total hisbatlus, even if his Yechida is not revealed.
The Yechida is the idea of “Ki BiRabim Hayu Imadi” [1) Yachid sherabim tzrichin lo, 2) The nitzutzei kidusha in Klipa also want an Aliya].
There are two forms to this Shalom 1) from the top down that affects Bittul or Ishapcha, 2) from the bottom up that changes the Metzius of the world to be Mikabel the Atzmus of Elokus. Most comprehensively each of these two must include its’ counterpart a little bit. This is possible once we understand that the world is not truly against Hashem and when the Yechida is revealed we too can see it.