
12. ואלה שמות בני ישראל ה’תש”מ.

Class One. Why is the Jewish people’s coming to Egypt repeated twice? Answer: because the descent has two levels, one lower than the other and there are two levels of ascent. However, the second ascent won’t happen until Moshiach. but we nevertheless include it in the Exodus account because what will happen is very similar to what did happen: The Galus prepared for getting the Torah then and (again) when Moshiach comes.

Class Two. Why is there an introduction ואלה שמות when the Possuk could go right into the list of names? Answer: שמות here refers to Hashem’s name and how through עבודה we effect לאתקנא רזא דשמי’ה both the שמות that correspond to ספירות and שמו הגדול which is אין סוף. The Novelty is creating a Keli to 1) bring the Ohr of the שם down and on a higher level to create the שם as explained in the סוגיא דשבחים בהוספות לתורה אור לפרשת ויחי. In Avoda this is transforming פרעה אותיות העורף and כי פנו אלי עורף and what is worse than that to פנים.

Class One.
Class Two.

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