12. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Twelve.
Posted: June 9, 2022
12. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Twelve. This is the final class on למנצח בנגינות. It deals (inside) with the last two Pesukim. 1) ארץ נתנה יבולה- the Brachos Liasid are abundant; in addition the earth gives us her spiritual Bracha of Ratzon wanting Godliness. 2) יברכינו אלוקים אלוקינו- The Divine name Elokim connotes the Godliness of concealment which is higher than light (and revelation) and when He is revealed to us, and becomes אלוקינו our personal God, this is where Atzmus is revealed. 3) יברכינו אלוקים ויראו אותו כל אפסי ארץ- This Bracha of Divine revelation is extended to the entire world until its outermost edge אפסי ארץ. The idea of favorable ‘גארנישט’ is explored here as well.
12. Lamnatzeach Binginos (5782/ 2022) Class Twelve.