12. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Twelve; Perek Four (02)
Posted: June 15, 2022
12. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Twelve; Perek Four (02) This class is entirely a review of the one before. 1) Inside, the higher kind of prayer is rooted in Yirah Ila’a, total Hisbatlus, where you need HIM to give you words. 2) This prayer is sure to be answered, it is the ‘long prayer’ (from much higher to the lowest), and it happens rapidly. 3) The idea of davening with a Minyan and the two reasons Hashem’s response is assured: A. Ahavas Yisroel, B. He is the 11th man. the 13 Middos of Rachamim. 4) I again introduced the idea of קרוב הוי’ וגו’ לכל אשר יקראהו באמת ואין אמתאלא תפילה (as the ‘Ayin Bais states) and I introduced Chana’s prayer as well. To be continued IYH.
12. Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712, Class Twelve; Perek Four (02)