Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bishalom), Class One. This Ma’amar seems to be a repeat of the Ma’amar of Shabbos (19 Kislev) before it, Katonti. The ideas of war and peace (Dovid, Shlomo, Moshiach) are discussed; as well as the ideas of Avoda (Iskafia, Ishapcha, NaRaN, Chaya and Yechida) are also repeated. And then the Rebbe moves on to the Gemara כל העוסק בתורה ובנמ”ח ומתפלל עם הציבור מעלה אני עליו כאילו פדאני לי ולבני מבין אוה”ע and in this class we covered Gamach, Mitzvos which are considered war- direct involvement with gashmiyus; and Tefilla, indirect involvement with Gashmiyus, two ideas: A. we daven for material needs. B. רוממות א-ל בגרונם וחרב פפיות בידם the Birur of both sources of יניקת החיצונים from very low and very high (גאוה) and how they are resolved.
Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bisahlom), Class One.
Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bishalom), Class Two. Torah is Shalom. But Torah is also Mivarer but on a Shalom level (like the Shalom at the moment of Mattan Torah). In Torah all three levels of Milchama (Niglah) Cherev Shel Shalom (Pnimiyus explaining Niglah) Shalom [like by Shlomo] (Chitzoniyus Atik) and Shalom Liasid (Pnimiyus Atik). Hafatzas Hama’ayanios reveals Pnimiyus even now. The Rebbe’s Mesiras Nefesh for Hafatzas Hama’ayanos.
Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bishalom), Class Two.