Class One. This class talks about אמת. This is available in the seventh heaven, leader (Moshe) and Midda of the 13 Middos “ואמת”. He explains that this is about the revelation of Havaya which didn’t happen until the Torah was given, when the essence as represented by הוי’ה was revealed through bridging the heights of heaven and the lowest of earth together in מצות מעשיות. The Jewish people make this happen but it happens not only in them but in the world at large. ביטול ואתכפיא ואתהפכא שיש בקיום תורה ומצות ממשיך העצמות.
13a. ויבא משה בתוך הענן ה’תשי”ז, Class One.
Class Two. This class begins with the idea of שאו ידיכם קדש וברכו את הוי’ה- there is something higher than הוי’ה- this is עצמות. We explained that from ממלא כל עלמין there can be covering; from סובב כל עלמין there can be העלם; but עצמות is always revealed everywhere even if we don’t seem to feel it. This happens by raising up ידיכם which are ויחו”ע יחו”ת to קדש and then bringing down עצמות.
13b. ויבא משה בתוך הענן ה’תשי”ז, Class Two.
Class Three. This class talks about זה קלי ואנוהו- having two aspects: 1) Yidden beautifying Him, 2) consequently we become a נוה home for Him down here. Through the בירור of זה of קליפה we (not only raise up but also) bring down עצמות. This explains 1) ויבא משה בתוך הענן- to go up, 2) They made a שביל like by קריעת ים סוף to bring עצמות down.