Class One. This class is about Dira BiTachtonim, 1) as the lowest world (the last to be created) it stands to be the purpose quite logically. 2) The higher worlds, though after the Tzimtzum, A. have more light, B. Are created based on the return of the light, C. indirectly reveal the Etzem from which they’ve come. While this world A. has less light, B. The little light it has is hidden. C. is from the (total) concealment of the light and therefore (in addition to hiding the little light that sustains it) hides the source. But when transformed reveals the essence (of hidden-ness itself.)
ClassTwo. In addition to the work of דירה בתחתונים there are two more things: Two) how it is achieved: תורה ומצוות שמושרשין בהעצמות. Three) Who achieves it: נשמות ישראל שמשורשין בהעצמות. The Ma’amar explores several levels in this: A. They are part of Hashem’s thought that precedes the creation (through speech), they are not only from thought they are from כח המחשבה. B. In the words of the Maggid, they exist in His thought before the creation altogether, as the Maggid’s mashal of a father knowing his son, but God can know His son before he actually existed. C. the idea of בידיעת עצמו (בעצמותו) יודע כל הנמצאים ולמעלה מזה כל הנשמות. This is above the world altogether. On this basis the Rebbe explains three ideas in the Possuk [differently than the תער”ב which is the supposed source of this Ma’amar]: א. מחצית השקל ב. עשרים גרה השקל ג. מחצית השקל (חסר בפנים ואמרנו בדרך אפשר). מ