13-02 Kadesh Li Kol Bechor, the Mitzvos of the first born(Yeshiva 5781/ 2021). The first Mitzvos “after Mattan Torah: are Parshas Bo, they include 1) The laws of the Torah calendar 2) Mitzvos of Korban Pesach 3) Eating Matza 4) Against having Chometz on Pesach 5) Telling our children the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim at the Seder 6) And.. the Mitzvos of first born children Kosher and not Kosher (donkeys) livestock. Why is this last idea: first born this important to be included here. The Arizal’s drash on this and more. There is the added קדש לי כל בכור to make holy what is holy already.
13-02 Kadesh Li Kol Bechor, the Mitzvos of the first born