
13b. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5, Class Two.

13b. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5, Class Two.
Class Two: Here the Rebbe argues that in the latter שד”י there already IS הוי’ה (it just isn’t as revealed) and moreover even the first שד”י has as it’s intent the full revelation of הוי’ה and as such already has within itself הוי’ה.
He develops this idea by explaining to us two ideas in התלבשות one that is typical, that התלבשות requires diminution, and the other is that in the Beis HaMikdash, the revelation was התלבשות while not compromising and limiting.
He connects these two ideas to the two opinions of the רמב”ם and the רמב”ן vis-à-vis the Beis HaMikdash; whether it is בדרך מעביר (Rambam) or בדרך התלבשות (Ramban); but he goes onto to say that actually they are arguing over the second idea of התלבשות mentioned above: the Rambam doesn’t hold of it (and therefore needs to say that the presence in the Beis HaMikdash is מעביר); the Ramban who does hold of it (and he can therefore hold that the presence in the Beis HaMikdash is בדרך התלבשות).
On this basis the Ma’amar goes on to say that actually הוי’ה is included in the second שד”י (it is only lacking revelation) and even in the first שד”י.
He concludes by saying that the true revelation of הוי’ה (where we see that it is already present in שד”י) will not be available to us until Moshiach comes when the הוי’ה revealed will be beyond a measure (higher even than הוי’ה which is מדת האמת) and then the full הוי’ה will be fully revealed even in the first idea of שד”י.

13b. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5, Class Two.

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