14c. Ki Yemei Tzeitzcha (כימי צאתך ה’תשי”ב) – 5712 (Muga) – Class 3
Posted: October 2, 2023
Class Three. This class is the beginning and the end of this Ma’amar. We address each question and answer it. At Yetzias Mitzrayim the notion of redemption was initiated so we mention it after Moshiach comes. Additionally, there were hidden miracles then also and they give the strength for the joining of nature and the revelation of God when Moshiach comes. Though Moshe and Moshiach are very different, even when Moshiach comes Moshe will see the miracles because 1) he opened the channel of miracles and redemption, 2) the idea of revelation is connected to יחודא עילעא which are connected to Moshe.