Class One. To explain the gift of the Torah, that is dependent on Jews, who are in turn dependent on the Torah. [For two reasons this dependency exists: 1) they protect each other, 2) in Essence they are the same]. The Rebbe explains how a Neshama is on high: A) It exists in אצילות (as it says טהורה היא) before it is created in בריאה. The Rebbe explains this to mean that the Neshama down here is connected to its source in Atzilus because it is “אלקות שנעשה נברא”. B) It has Ahava ViYirah and Hasaga higher and deeper than the מלאכים. It is much deeper than what the Neshama down here has. The purpose of ירידה צורך עלי’ is explained as the ascent from כלים to אור. On a much higher level it ascends to Atzmus higher even than the source of כלים.
Class Two. The Maamar explores what is special about the physical Torah and Mitzvos being performed by physical Jews. He first discusses דבר גדול מעשה מרכבה ומעשה בראשית as the loftiest aspects of Yiddishkiet, raising up Adam to לא אדם. Then he discusses דבר קטן הויות אביי ורבא that is connected to physical Mitzvos. In the Physical you have the עצם as is illustrated from the משל of the טיפה only the physical can deliver an השפעה עצמית.