
15. (1) באתי לגני התשל”ו

Class One. This first of two classes on the first of two מאמרים on פרק ו’ מבאתי לגני התש”י. The spirit of the מאמר is about ביטול. This is connected to the shape of the letter דלת as opposed to the letter ריש. Behind the דלת there is a small יוד, this represents ביטול. However, based on a nuance in the מאמר, higher levels of ביטול will be introduced (in the second class on this מאמר).

Class One.

Class Two. In this class we were introduced to the two basic concepts of Bittul: 1) אזעירת גרמי and 2) לית לי’ מגרמי’ כלום. One level is continuing and refining what you are and the second is abandoning what you are (from before) altogether. Chochma and Bina. In the next class he will give us six levels, all surrounding the two ideas of lesser (incomplete) and greater (relatively complete) Bittul.

Class Two.

Class Three. This class was entirely oral, we discussed the four levels of ביטול, and observed that only the first three apply to אור, and the forth applies only to כלים, גוף, גשמיות. 1) אין ערוך לך- giving away one’s ישות and no more. Like the student who hears what the teacher says but immediately changes it to his mind, so he gets from the teacher but brings into his form. 2) אין זולתך- One gives away his entire form and all he does is reveal and represent the source, like גילוי אור אין סוף that reveals the Source. this is like the student who can take from the teacher a lot and adapts himself to his teacher. rather than bring the teacher’s ideas down to his level. 3) אפס בלתיך- Total ביטול which is called לא ידע. Here there is not even גילוי, all there is is משפיע- Hashem. Like the student who has learned to think like the teacher where he can replace his teacher’s mind completely, but not his body. 4) ומי דומה לך- [In contrast to the first three Bittuls, which require the lessening of the מציאות that is בטל until there is nothing, here it is not that way, rather] This Bittul is where the creation represents (and is) the Creator (in the Rebbe MaHaRaSh’s words:) יש האמיתי מתגלה בבחי’ יש הנברא. In the example of the teacher, it is in a case where the student is Bottul not to the mind of the teacher but to the teacher (his flesh and blood) himself. This is connected to physicality and physical Mitzvos. We’ll read tomorrow.

Class Three

Class Four. Inside. We showed the various ביטול in the text and journeyed through them. we have many levels of ביטול: 1) בינה 2) [התלבשות חכמה בבינה [כנקודה בהיכלא. 3) פנימיות ה]חכמה]. 4) חיצוניות הכתר, סיג לחכמה 5) פנימיות הכתר, שתיקה. 6) מלכות, לית לה מגרמא כלום. This last ביטול is brought to light by giving three explanations [אריז”ל, בעל שם טוב, הרב המגיד] of the מאמרז”ל: כל רב מבבל וכל רבי מארץ ישראל. Why the יו”ד and what does it change. It adds 10 to 202 to become 212 (רבי) It adds the one letter יו”ד for רב to become רבי. It has to do with ארץ and the idea of the lower חכמה, יראה, אחדות allowing for a world to exist that serves Him. This creates the forth idea of מי דומה לך. The world represents Him, יש האמיתי מתגלה ביש הנברא.

Class Four

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