
15-16. Basi Ligani 5731 (Muga)

This Maamar (muga) combines two Maamarim said Shabbos and Motzoei Shabbos Bishalach 5731. The class was divided into three parts.

Class One. Chapters 1-4 deal 1) the idea that “Dira Bitachtonim” is ongoing; and not something completed by Moshe Rabbeinu and other Tzadikim, 2) “Ikar Shechina BiTachtonim Haysa” has two points a. A great light, b. In the lowest realms, both are essential in the purpose of “Dira BiTachtonim”.

Class One.

Class Two. Chapters 5-7 deal with the idea of Yerida Tzorech Aliya 1) it’s applicable even when man chose to sin, 2) It doesn’t only result in the revelation of a higher light as a result of the sin, but also reveals G-D’s possibility to be hidden, 3) The idea that ultimately the power of Helem (His possibility to be hidden), should also be revealed.

Class Two.

Class Three. Chapters 8-14 explain why the Frierdike Rebbe changes the purpose (in the Zohar) from Iskafia to Iskafia viIshapecha. Iskafia reveals the higher (than Tzimtzum) lights; Ishapecha qualifies the world (“makes it a vessel”) to hold the light and make “darkness itself shine”.

Class Three.

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