Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version,
Class One. The purpose of the world requires that there be a העלם (concealment) which then sets up the “real purpose” the reversal of the concealment itself. This is the meaning of על שלשה דברים העולם -ההעלם- עומד. אין סוף is one, but has two ideas; A. למעלה עד אין קץ, and B. למטה עד אין תכלית. These tow ideas are one in the יכולת and therefore are one in as much that each entails the other: In למעלה עד אין קץ there is למטה עד אין תכלית and vise-versa. These two ideas in Avoda are Torah and Tefilla, and there also each includes it’s counterpart.
Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version, Class One.
Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version, Class Two. This class begins with a discussion on יכולת where there aren’t two ideas (למעלה וכו’ למטה וכו) but there is one: יכולת. Torah is למטה עד אין תכלית G-dliness coming into the world unilaterally. But it entails the other idea למעלה עד אין קץ also. This is explained with the two מאמרי רז”ל: 1) ג’ שעות ראשונות הקב”ה יושב ועוסק בתורה 2) כל הקורא ושנה הקב”ה קורא ושנה כנגדו.
Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version, Class Two.
Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version, Class Three. Tefilla is למעלה עד אין קץ but it entails the idea of למטה עד אין תכלית also. Explanation from the story of רבי gathering ר’ חייא and his son’s to Daven as שלוחי ציבור which was maximally effective in bringing change down into the physical world. There are several aspects here: 1) They were Davening with a Minyan 2) They were שלוחי ציבור 3) By being שלוחי ציבור these physical needs became personal to them 4) רבי who has כח התורה inspired this; so the prayer had what is special about Torah also: it comes even if we don’t deserve it all. Alshich says אדנ”י שפתי תפתח וגו means that OUR prayer should be like that of ר’ חייא ובניו and the Rebbe explains this as two ideas: A. a higher form of prayer, B. Prayer with the power of Torah. This is how תפילה also has תורה in it.
Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version, Class Three.
Class One. The Tzimtzum stands on three things, in other words, it stands on the light which will eventually overturn it! Torah is Lima’ala Ma’ala ad ain ketz and Torah is Limata Mata ad ain tachlis.