15. Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5734 1) The question of juxtaposing the Possuk Yehuda (being subordinate and) approaching Yosef, with the Zohar’s statement about Geula (Yesod, Yosef) approaching Tefilla (Malchus, Yehuda). It’s the difference between the beginning (Giluyim is greater, and in this context, Yosef is higher and Yehuda is subordinate to him) and the end (where Atzmus’ advantage is revealed, and in this context, Yehuda is higher and Yosef is subordinate to him and approaches him). 2) Each of the two (Tefilla and Torah and Mitzvos) has both it’s advantage and the advantage of it’s counterpart within itself. 3) How it’ll be when Moshiach comes. This is (also) hinted in the ויגש איליו יהודה which is Yehuda helping and inspiring Yosef to approach HIM סמיכות גאולה לתפלה.