Basi Legani 5722, Class One. NOTE: This class is 2 hours long, but has two segments that can be listened to individually: 1) Minute 00.00- Minute 34.58 2) Minute 34.58- End This class reviews the Perakim until here, And then opens the discussion of this Perek (12): להבין ענין האוצר למעלה how can we understand ‘On High’ the notion of treasure which you have, and save, and keep secret, even when you need it. How could this apply to God? He begins by introducing us to the expression of the Tikunei Zohar אין סוף למעלה עד אין קץ ולמטה עד אין תכלית. He begins by discussing the notion of Ein Sof, being His reflection (‘light’) nit Him; yet it carries ALL of Him, as per it’s attachedness to Him אור מעין המאור. The issue of למטה עד אין תכלית will be discussed in the next class. [Eventually -later Perek- we’ll get to אין סוף למעלה עד אין קץ and then we’ll answer the question about ‘supernal treasure’.