
17. Basi Legani 5734 (1).

17a. Basi Legani 5734 (1), Class One. This class includes: 1) an introduction and over view of Basi Ligani, 2) The Question how can the Nefesh HaElokis and Nefesh haBahamis ever interface, they are opposites. Only Hashem can join opposites together through ‘Nimna HaNimnaos’ but not man. Example one: The Gedula and Gevura employed in creation. The Rebbe shows that they are not opposites at all. Example two; Kasha KiKrias yam Suf, joining the land and the sea (the hidden and revealed world) But the two souls are joined by man and that should be impossible?

17a. Basi Legani 5734 (1), Class One.

17b. Basi Legani 5734 (1), Class Two.
The answer to our (two) question(s) is given here. The two questions were 1) how can k’dusha and klipa ever meet, they are opposites and only Hashem can bring opposites together. We explain why bringing together the Godly and Animal Souls is considered an act of man and not of God. 2) How can Klipa ever dominate K’dusha. the answer is given in three incremental steps: 1) What falls lower has a higher source, so Klipa is higher in its’ source than K’dusha. 2) This is even more so in the complete Klipos, where good and evil are not only entangled but have become one. 3) In the pleasure and delight of Hashem all is unified and since Klipa is needed to satisfy the desire of Dira BiTachtonim, so there Klipa and K’dusha are not opposites at all. Ultimately, K’dusha prevails and does Iskafia and Ishapcha on Klipa.

17b. Basi Legani 5734 (1), Class Two.

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