16b. Vaeira 5734, Class Two. This class is the bulk of the Ma’amar. This class follows the first one: if one achieves the Avoda level of Merkava, he can experience וארא Nevua like the Avos. This revelation then sets up the person (in Galus) to do Teshuva, on four levels (A. סור מרע and B. עשה טוב, and C. בקש שלום, and D. [a higher level of בקש שלום or] רדפהו) which mirror the four steps of redemption known by the four expressions of Geula והוצאתי והצלתי וגאלתי ולקחתי. The Teshuva is followed by Geula, also happening on the abovementioned four levels. Which is in turn followed by Torah and Mitzvos (bringing the holy into the ordinary) also done on these four levels. This happened when we left Egypt and is repeated by each Galus, including and especially ours. After the Geula the work and growth continues, ילכו מחיל אל חיל in the aforementioned steps of growth, until יום שכולו שבת ומנוחה לחיי העולמים.