18a. Basi Legani 5734 (2), Class One. 1) Question: How can Klipa oppose Kedusha, when Kedusha is the will Hashem and Klipa opposes it. Example one: The Gedula and Gevura employed in creation. The Rebbe shows that they are not opposites at all. Example two; Kasha KiKrias yam Suf, joining the land and the sea (the hidden and revealed world).
18a. Basi Legani 5734 (2), Class One.
18b. Basi Legani 5734 (2), Class Two. The answer is that Klipa has a higher source than Kedusha and it, therefore, is able to dominate it. Question: so how does K’dusha win in the end? Answer: The source of K’dusha is in Hashem’s Taanug (delight) in Atzmus and this allows one to change the creation including changing the Klipa superiority over K’dusha and defeat Klipa.
18b. Basi Legani 5734 (2), Class Two.
Comparison and distinction. The difference between the two Basi Liganis above. The Rebbe said the Maamar Basi Ligani twice in 5734. Once on Shabbos afternoon and again that Motzoei Shabbos and the Maamarim are quite different. This class attempts to reveal what these differences are. The Mezritcher Maggid says the point of creation is Hashem delighting in our delighting in His Mitzvos (as opposed to the ideas of action and Bittul). The Jews delight touches and is raised to the delight of Hashem which empowers one to change the creation! The first Ma’amar describes the change we affect before we are even born, by His anticipating the pleasure He will get, He affects that Klipa and K’dusha should coexist in spite of their being opposites. In the second Ma’amar the Rebbe discusses how by reaching this Ta’anug we affect that Klipa (though it has a higher source) should be defeated by K’dusha.