17. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Seventeen. Perek 2, Class 12; (Bris of Moshe Part 2). Two levels of healing: 1) going forward (leaves a scar) and 2) retroactive (as if one was never sick כל המלחה וגו’ כי אני הוי’ רופאיך). Compared to הפרת נדרים (that breaks the vow going forward) and התרת נדרים (which releases [‘unties’] the vow retroactively, as if the vow was never made). This corresponds to Teshuva Tata’a and Teshuva Illa. Our Ma’amar’s idea of Teshuva that heals above time and heals spontaneously is the higher level of Teshuva.