17. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Seventeen.
Posted: November 16, 2022
17. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Seventeen. Perek 4, Class 3. There are two (extreme) standards for learning Torah [which is an obligation on all men, every day]: 1) a little in the morning and a little at night (פרק א’ שחרית ופרק א’ ערבית); 2) to use every spare second for learning or he has transgressed a sin deserving of Karais (כי דבר הוי’ בזה וגו’ הכרת תכרת וגו). How could such extreme criteria exist. It is very hard to say that this simply defines how much time one has. The Rebbe explains that this has to do with the fact that each moment is part of our wholeness as servants of God, and is therefore very serious.
17. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Seventeen.