
17. Vayomer Moshe Ichluhu Hayom 5736

17. Vayomer Moshe Ichluhu Hayom 5736
1) This Shabbos is 13 Shvat, the 80th Yahrtzait of the Rebbetzin Rivka, so we told some stories about her.
2) Introduction to the Ma’amar: A. two ideas of Bittul (Angelic Bittul) without struggle and (Human Bittul) through ‘Iskafia and Ishapecha’ (struggle); B. The Manna, Shabbos and Torah share the idea of coming from above Hishtalshelus into the narrowness of time ‘without Mimutza’.
3) Two types of questions: A. on the Possuk, B. Why Manna didn’t some down on Shabbos.
4) Bittul is the prerequisite to Mattan Torah.
5) The Torah is already ours (כמאמר ישראל ר”ת יש ששים ריבוי אותיות לצורה) but only the level of the letters, everything else we get through Bittul.
6) Bittul of Malachim constant and is (FOR THEM) perfect, but only WE have Bittul through Iskafia and Ishapcha, this was achieved during Galus Mitzrayim.
7) A revelation from above Hishtalshelus that comes into Asiya, but come without intermediate steps and בלי ממוצעים. This means that each time it comes down it is brand new from the source and there is no notion of contiguousness in this area.
8) This applies to the fact that the Manna came everyday (דבר יום ביומו) and Shabbos, that each day of the week draws straight from Shabbos (היום יום ראשון בשבת… היום יום שני בשבת…) and Torah (בכל יום יהיו בעיניך כחדשים).
9) Now Manna doesn’t come down on Shabbos but after Moshiach comes it will.

Vayomer Moshe Ichluhu Hayom 5736

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