17b. Basi Legani 5724, Class One. This class on Perek 1 of the Ma’amar Basi Legani 5724, which encompasses five pages of the Ma’amar. It is the review of the 13 Perakim until Perek 14 of the original Basi Legani (5710). The purpose of creation is to make this entire world into a home for Hashem (as the Beis HaMikdash was) and this achieved ע”י אתכפיא ואתהפכא. Three examples are brought for this: (1) Korbanos, (2) transforming שטות דלעומת זה to שטות דקדושה and (3) transforming שקר of the world to קרש and קשר in the Beis HaMikdash. Then (the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar) in Chapter 10 the discussion shifts to who does the mission, and they are the צבאות השם (the Army of Hashem). The distinction of a soldier is Mesiras Nefesh. In fighting a war (called מלחמת נצחון) kings do extraordinary things: (1) personally engage in the battle plans, (2) dispense of royal treasure (even) from generations past in a reckless way, (3) risk (and throw away) their own lives. The Ma’amar elaborates on the second point, to explain what treasure means on high. This is developed by forst explaining the תיקוני זהר’s statment אור אן סוף למעלה מעלה עד אין קץ ולמטה מטה עד אין תכלית. Explaining first ({erek 12) what אור אין סוף is. Then in Peraim 13-14 he moves on to explain למטה עד אין תכלית. Godliness is found everywhere even in the lowest type of Klipa. The lowest type of Klipa is lower than what Hashem made (in creation) and is connected to human sin. The lowest level fi this is when uses Torah itself to oppose Torah. אין סוף is there alos.