17e. Basi Legani 5724, Class Four. This (very) long class is on Perakim 6-7 of the Ma’amar of 5724. The other side of אור אין סוף (in addition to being למטה עד אין תכלית, that it is everywhere to create and give life) is that it isn’t touched by the environments it is involved with at all, amd is always without התפעלות (reaction) and שינוי (change) [and as we’ll see in the next class, and בלי להתערב (it doesn’t get entangled in creation] at all. The Rebbe explains this by bringing the second שיטה in the דרוש ג’ שיטות (which has the most refined and theoretical understanding of what Atzilus is) and he shows that even כלים which are Godly aren’t affected by the creation, and how much more so light. In Perek 7 he parallels this to Avoda: A. Yosef in Mitzrayim was above the environment in which he worked, B. Atzilus is like ידוע (passive rather than active knowing), C. The Ba’al Shem Tov Davened to be ale to help people in physical and personal matters not-withstanding how completely involved in higher levels the Ba’al Shem Tov himself was.