17f. Basi Legani 5724, Class Five This class is on Perek 8 of the Basi Legani 5724. It deals with the third characteristic of Ein SOf in it’s relationship to the worlds, that אינו מתערב it doesn’t get entangled. He brings the Zohar אין קדוש כהוי’ה that says כמה קדישין אינון ואין קדוש כהוי’ה that is both התלבשות yet altogether unentangled with the creation at all. He also brings the example (from the Pardes) of light emerging through a colored glass, that the light (to itself) is unchanged (though we perceive change). And he compares these two to the idea that אור אין סוף is אינו מתערב. He explains it using the further discussion of אור and כח, that כח is changed in it’s spiritual source, but not אור. We will leave Perek 9 for a separate class.