17g. Basi Legani 5724, Class Six. End of the Ma’amar. Otzar is higher than אין סוף למעלה עד אין קץ ולמטה עד אין תכלית on the highest level. Because Otzar is hidden and Ohr Ein Sof is (the idea of) Gilui. It is revealed when there is war that reaches in and pulls out from within the Yid אוצר של יראת שמים. Included in the level of Otzar is the idea of גילוי אלקות ע”י צדיקים which is higher than Ohr. The level of Otzar is further paralleled to the Alter Rebbe’s saying איך וויל מער נישט אז דיך אליין, this is also the level of Ptzar higher than all levels of Ohr.