Vayishma Yisro 5737, Class One. Introduction, this Ma’amar is based on a Ma’amar in the Hemshech Ayin Bais (בשעה שהקדימו תער”ב) that was just printed (in 1977) וישמע יתרו העת”ר. This Ma’amar deals ONLY with the beginning and the end of that Ma’amar. We learned the middle of this Ma’amar that is based on the very famous ZOhar, that without Yiosro’s concession and admission the Torah would not be given. The Ma’amar explains וראיתי אני שיש יתרון לאור מן החשך כיתרון החכמה מן הסכלות not to mean the elevation of the negative (as it usually means) but in the advantage of Klipa’s source in terms of the level of it’s light. He explains this to be a reference to Secular Knowledge (חכמת חיצוניות) A. There’s the additional light of Tohu which is more trhan TRikun B. and there is how these lights help expose the true source of Kedusha’s own light above Tohu and Tiukkun.
Vayishma Yisro 5737
Vayishma Yisro 5737, Class Two. This class is on the beginning and the end. Kohein Midyan- bringing Pirud (division) to be Nisbarer Chosen Moshe- he brings Moshe (Torah) down Vayishma Yisro (Rashi) Krias Yam Suf is ATIK above all Avoda. Es Kol Asher Usuh Elokim… (Keilim) ViChi Hotzi Havaya… (Oros)