
19a. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh (ויהיו בני ישראל במדבר) 5713 – Class One.

19a. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class One.
The Ma’amar explains the sin of the Mekoshesh (who collected wood on Shabbos) by first exploring the Etz HaChayim and the Etz HaDa’as and the sin of Adam and Chava (eating from the Etz HaDa’as).
The Rebbe begins with the question, how is Etz HaDa’as a good thing (and he must answer yes as it is the CENTER of Gan Eden); and yet it is not good because of what comes from it?
He begins by (first) explaining Avoda that has limits (you don’t give yourself away altogether) and Avoda that has NO limit and you give yourself away altogether.
In this class we read and explained the the limited Avoda, using six (!!!) examples of serving Hashem in a limited way:
1) GaMaCh and Tzedakah (Ma’aseh): you give, but you out yourself first, using the Halacha as your excuse.
2) Tefilla: the Davening becomes constant and predictable, no real passion.
3) Torah: he meets the required obligation that he has to learn but no more.
4) Middos of the heart: he loves God, but because this love serves him; even fear of God can have a self-centeredness, if he fears only punishment.
5) Sechel: it also (could) has limits if he insists on learning (and contemplating) Godliness only on the level he can fully understand with no attempt at transcending understanding.
6) Reusa DiLiba: he wills God beyond reason but on the level ‘that is revealed’ and not on the level that is above being hidden or revealed (the essence).
The problem is that since YOU still are a Metzius, so is the world, and therefore there’s room for Klipa, and for the person to fall.
[The next class explains the Avoda with no limits IYH].

19a. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class One.

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