19b. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh (ויהיו בני ישראל במדבר) 5713 – Class Two
Posted: July 5, 2022
19b. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class Two. The idea of Avoda which is limited, because the person isn’t giving himself away (to Hashem) completely, is now applied to the ten S’firos. The Rebbe argues that Malchus and Z”A, and Bina, and (even higher) Chitzoniyus HaKesser are Godly but limited in the kind of way that leaves room for Klipa. Malchus: since ‘the nine S’firos of Malchus’ go down to the lower worlds to give life, thus even in Atzilus it is close to inexactitude. Z”A: though Z”A is removed from BiY”A, but it is ‘revealed’ and outward, and anything revealed can end up in the wrong place. He brings the Possuk about the fool needing everything to be expressed on the outside. Bina: is Sa”G which is where the Shvira (shattering of Tohu) begins. Chitzoniyus HaKesser: שממית בידים תתפס והיא בהיכלו מך he brings the idea of Kesser (infinity) being indiscriminate (כחשיכא כאורה) Only Chochma and Pnimiyus HaKesser are above any association with Klipa. Chochma: is a place of (absolute) life; ימותו ולא בחכמה. Pnimiyus HaKesser: it is ‘עתיק’ removed from Hishtalshelus, and is the place of (ואוהב את יעקב ואת עשיו שנאתי) supra-limited relationships, and Klipa has no hand there. In the second part of this class, the Rebbe explains the Avoda of serving Hashem without any limit; or (at least) how in the limited Avoda, we inject and energy from the level with no limit, so that the Avoda is protected from falling into Klipa. GaMaCh and Tzedakah: though the amount one gives will be finite, but since Tzedakah (literally) saves your life, you have the attitude of no limit in the giving. Tefilla: since you Daven ‘for your Soul’ (עבודה שבלב) it has a feeling of no limit. Torah: he must remember that Torah can give life (or the opposite); and that it is the antidote to the Yetzer HaRa. Middos of the heart: even when one is on the level where loving God is for self; they must know that the highest level is knowing God for Truth. Mochin: one’s mind must be aware of the Chochma level (which you never fully understand, but) that is irrefutable because it has a property (compared to) of seeing. Reusa DiLiba: in his ‘will of the heart’ there should be an awareness of the Essence level of Bittul. The ‘sin’ of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, is not putting Etz HaChayim first, and what that brings (brought) to.
19b. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class Two.