02. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Two.
Posted: December 16, 2021
2. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Two. We read an English translation of each of the first five Ikarim and compared and contrasted them to the language of the אני מאמין and יגדל there are quite a few discrepancies. Ikar One: Hashem is the Creator, we need Him He doesn’t need us. Ikar Two: Hashem is one and not a divisible or unified one, but an absolute One. Ikar Three: Hashem has no body or body-like aspects (in my opinion this is the idea of מציאות בלתי מציאות נמצא) Ikar Four: He is the only eternal being; i. e. above time. [the question of יש מאין is briefly addressed here]. Ikar Five: He’s the only One with any power, and we should Daven ONLY to Him, this offsets the ideas of עבודה זרה.
2. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Two.