
20a. Mi Mana 5712 – Class One, stand, walk, jump.

Mi Mana 5712, Class One, stand, walk, jump.
This first class on the Yud Bais Tamuz Ma’amar of 5712, will deal with the Ma’amar Min HaMetzer said in jail in 5687; it will introduce the Possuk Bitchu BaHashem Adai Ad; but all that is later; in this class we speak of the three levels of 1) standing, 2) walking, 3) leaping as they are in Avodah.
1) Standing. One who serves Hashem with constancy, the standing represents his Bittul, he also grown but in the same world, like a person in one area of knowledge acquiring more, where he is not going outside his constancy.
2) Walking. This person is going outside the parameters he is comfortable in and forcing himself into change that is from his place of constancy, supra-logical, but he does it anyway. To do this he has to get past (break down) the old for the new to rake toot, but he is (indirectly) still building on the old.
3) Leaping. This the level of Teshuva; the old relative to the new is (like) evil!! He hates his past (even if it is very good) and as such he is leaping and becoming a מהות אחר brand new person.

Mi Mana 5712, Class One, stand, walk, jump, Audio.
Mi Mana 5712, Class One, stand, walk, jump, Video.

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