20. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5734 This class is about “Panim”, the face of God that was revealed at Har Sinai it now falls to Moshe and the Moshe (“Talmid Chacham”) in each generation to bring to our “face” (Pnimiyus) the “face” of Godliness. This idea is found in many Ma’amarim on Mishpatim, but this one deals with the “face” on the highest level (not on the level of Atzilus). He explains “face” to mean above the level of the Kochos in the head (eyes ears mouth and nose) and [even] higher than the hair of the head and the beard. The part of the face with no opening, the cheeks [and forehead] represent this essence. He also links it to the תיקון ואמת in the 13 Attributes of Mercy.