20. Vikibel HaYehudim 5735 The Ma’amar speaks of three levels: 1) The Avos’ Avoda before Mattan Torah; they were a Merkava and revealed the Ahava (and Yirah) Misuteres, but it was limited and (only) spiritual. 2) Mattan Torah, where the Gzeira was broken and we can elevate the physical and see it’s advantage; and it is accompanied by our Na’aseh ViNishma. This came to us due to the Galus in Mitzrayim and the dangling of Har Sinai over our heads (spiritually) at Har Sinai. 3) Purim, Hashem hides (severely) and yet we came to Him entirely on our own, culminating what happened at Har Sinai. At that time the Yehudim insisted on remaining loyal to Him in this darkness though they stand to lose their lives, which removed any and all disclaimer about the nature of Yidden’s commitment to keeping Torah and Mitzvos.