Ze Yitnu 5737, Class One. Imtroduction, this is two Ma’amarim in one: an easier more typical Machatzis VaShekel Ma’amar and a very subte and deep (and unsusual) Machatzis HaShekel Ma’amar (based on a Yerushalmi that connects Ze Yitnu to Krias Yam Suf [Atik]). This class is the typical one: We give the lower half Shekel He gives the higher half. Various forms are provided for the two halves.
Ze Yitnu 5737, Class One.
Ze Yitnu 5737, Class Two. This very long class explores a deeper understanding of the Possuk about Machatzis Hashekel based on a Yerushalmi that links Machatzis Hashekel to Krias Yam Suf (Atik). We flushed out two different understandings of this deeper version (A. Rebbe RaSahaB) B. Rebbe). NOTE: Because of the length of this audio this class (two) has two parts, Class Two 1 and Class Two 2.
Ze Yitnu 5737, Class Two (1).Ze Yitnu 5737, Class Two (2).