20a. Lima’an Da’as 5713, Class One. This class includes the beginning and the end (the questions and the answer) of this masterpiece. A. But first how does למען דעת (which we say everyday; and in Hosha’anos) connect especially to 12-13 Tamuz? The answer because it follows the sequence of Pesukim that began with יהי ה’ אלוקינו עמנו. The Rebbe will however separate this Possuk from the Pesukim before and study only it. B. Knowing השם הוא האלוקים especially as explained in the Zohar ה’ ואלוקים כולא חד is difficult even for Yidden let alone not Yidden. How much more so the additional idea of אין עוד. C. The Rebbe connects this Possuk למען דעת to the Possuk וידעת היום וגו’ כי ה’ הוא האלוקים בשמים ממעל ועל הארץ מתחת אין עוד; and in doing so compounds the hardship of how a non-Jew can know all this especially when he flushes out four separate הוי’ הוא האלוקים as indicated from the Possuk: 1) בשמים ממעל and 2) בשמים סתם and 3) בארץ סתם and 4) בארץ מתחת. D. The Rebbe compounds the question by adding the highest idea of all אין עוד- there isn’t even a pairing, there is nothing but Him. E. This last question becomes the answer: on this level of Achdus, revealed through the Avoda of Nisyonos of Tzadikei Yisroel, this Achdus is revealed and Goyishkeit vanishes completely, and למען דעת means to be destroyed. We discussed this ‘destruction’ a little bit at the end of the class.