20c. Lima’an Da’as 5713, Class Three. This class includes: 1) A short introduction about (the time) leading up to Yud Shvat: 00:00- 10:00 2) 10:00 – 53:10 ; Perek 6. We explain the third idea of הוי’ הוא האלוקים as it is בארץ סתם in the lower worlds (בי”ע) they are not Godly, but creations, so you cannot explain the unity between הוי’ ואלוקים based on the notion of Godliness not contradicting Goldiness. Instead we must explain that in spite of them being creations, and being opposites, they are one because they SERVE Him and He is ONE and as such they collaborate and cooperate. He explains their being opposite based on the argument that שמים means the spiritual worlds of בי”ע where there is no time and space (we discuss this a bit) and ארץ means the physical universe which is dominated by the limiting factors of time and space. What makes them one (הוי’ ואלוקים כולא חד בבי”ע) is because God needs these worlds to exist and they need each other to be sustained (exist) for long periods of time. Each one by themselves will go away (אור and the spiritual worlds) or die (כלי, the physical world). 3) 53:10 – 1:35:20; Perek 7. We explain the fourth idea of הוי’ הוא האלוקים as it is בארץ מתחת which refers to Klipa. Even in Klipa there’s Achdus, because it serves the divine purpose in two ways: A. It reveals His ability to be silent, which is only apparent when juxtaposed against evil. The Rebbe explains this using the Anshei Kneses Hagedola novel understanding of challenge and darkness, that rather than see it it as divine concealment (and ‘lack of control’ sort of) as did Yirmiyahu and Chizkiyahu, they said הן הן נוראותיו הן הן גבורותיו where you don’t see Him you are looking straight at Him (it is only that you’re seeing His concealment). B. The point of Klipa is that it will (eventually) be corrected and transformed to Kedusha. For both of these reasons even as the Klipa is NOW there is Achdus because of (anticipation) of this.