20c. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714, Class Three.
Posted: August 23, 2023
20c. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714, Class Three. Avraham’s Avoda was ‘from the top down’; to BRING light to the world and move people this way. Yitzchok’s Avoda was digging wells, helping people find G-d within themselves from the bottom up. The latter approach is much more affective, it refines the vessel and makes a Keli for the Light in an אור פנימי way. This will reveal the advantage of the Keli (vessel) itself which is the point and the purpose of creation (that there BE a world דירה בתחתונים).
20c. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714, Class Three.