
21. Ani Lidodi 5715.

21a. Ani Lidodi 5715, Class One. Introduction, what is davening? the ‘ladder’ of Davening, Modeh Ani, Pesukei DiZimra, Birchos Krias Shma, Shma and the Amida.

Class One

21b. Ani Lidodi 5715, Class Two. Chapter 4. (This is a difficult Shiur). This class explores an assertion made by the Rebbe that davening will never be Hasaga, it will either be more or less than Hasaga, but never Hasaga. Hasaga has three ideas: 1) It calms and settles, 2) It satisfies (it is an end, not a means to an end), 3) It needs no Da’as (as it is not meant to come to the heart). Earlier parts of davening are either not Hasaga at all or only enough Sechel to get to the heart. Shma and Shmone Esrei are more than Hasaga.

Class Two

21c. Ani Lidodi 5715, Class Three. Beginning and the end of the Ma’amar. This class explores the question of how could both the Elul (Ani Lidodi…) Possuk and the Nissan (Dodi Li…) Possuk both end with same words: HaRoeh Bashoshanim? Answer One: the word Shoshanim is very different from one possuk to the next: Kesser and Malchus. Answer Two: There is an idea of Tefilla which can enhance even Torah and on that level the Ani Lidodi is also HaRoeh BaShoshanim.

Class Three

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