
21. החדש הזה לכם ה’תשמ”ב.

This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar.

Class One: There are four levels: 1) World, where divisions of time are not real 2) When Hashem “Chose” His world. Adding this choice makes the world of value to Him, but He puts His essence into it so the value is real. 3) the (theoretical) idea that will (one day be) Ya’akov and his children. 4) When Hashem chooses Ya’akov and his children. The first of these levels means the world has no real meaning, but the second third and fourth all mean that Hashem has given his world value, so what is the difference between the three?

Class Two. In this class we explained the difference between the levels of “Chosen-ness”. We discussed each of the four levels. 1) Creation is from Elokim, the essence of Godliness is invested but hidden in creation. 2) The choice of Hashem in creation reveals Elokim [perhaps miracles within nature, or Hashgacha Protis]. 3) At the moment of creation Havaya was blended in ביום עשות הוי’ אלוקים ארץ ושמים though it is hidden it is there potentially. 4) By Yetzias Mitzrayim and Mattan Torah Hashem chose the Jewish people He revealed Havaya which allows for miracles higher than nature etc. Calling Nissan “the first of the months of the year” shows that the higher than world Havaya is drawn into the world of Elokim.

Class Two.

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