
22. Achas Sha’alti 5715.

Class One. The entire Ma’amar can be seen to discuss five ideas (levels) of Avodah. 1) Birurim through avodah without Torah and Mitzvos. 2) The Kavana of Mitzvos gets us Schhar (Mimalei) in Gan Eden. The Mitzvah itself acts as a garment to conduct the light. 3) The Bracha that goes along with the Mitzvah gets us a higher light (from Sovev). 4) The action itself reveals Atzmus (Leasid lavo) but each Mitzvah is a different aspect of the Etzem. 5) the Kabalah of these Mitzvos in this world receives the same Atzmus for each and every Mitzvah.

Class One

Class Two. Details and points the Ma’amar raises: 1) Yam and Eretz of Malchus is the S’fira where the event of Yesh MeAyin takes place. There is a great distance between the Pnimiyus and Chitzoniyus aspects of Malchus, while in all other S’firos there is a closeness. The concept of Romemus is discussed a little bit. 2) A Neshama remains Godly in a lower world because it is Godly in its essence. From Pnimiyus of Ohr or Pnimiyus of Keilim. There is controversy here. 3) Mitzvos are garments to ‘conduct’ Godliness like the garments of Prophecy ‘Aspaklaria’, a looking tool that is direct and indirect. The Nevua of most prophets are indirect, In Moshe’s case, it is direct. Mitzvos are like Moshe’s garments (or higher). 4) More.

Class Two

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