
22. Hachodesh (1) 5737, This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar.

Hachodesh (1) 5737, Class One.
This class has two parts.
In the first part we attempted to explain four levels: 1) Yichuda Tata’a, 2) Yichud Yichuda Ila’a and Yichuda Tata’a, 3) Yichuda Ila’a, 4) Havaya DilAila.
In the second part we explained the idea of Rosh Chodesh in general: Yichud Yichuda I(la’a and Yichuda Tata’a; and Rosh Chodesh Nissan: Yichuda Ila’a and (even) Havaya DilAila.

Hachodesh (1) 5737, Class One.

Hachodesh (1) 5737, Class Two.
This class includes the beginning and the end of this Ma’amar; we ask all the questions and give all the answers.
1) The connection between Rosh Chodesh and Pesach. Pesach is about exceeding all limits, and Rosh Chodesh is precisely the same idea, accessing higher lights,
2) The Possuk says two things החדש הזה לכם ראש חדשים and ראשון הוא לכם לחדשי השנה. The first is indirectly related to the other Roshei Chodesh, as it is יחודא עילאה but only on the level of הוי’ דלתתא; the second on the other hand is the idea of הוי’ דלעילא, altogether above השתלשלות.
3) There are accordingly two לכםs to speak to both halves of the Possuk, each in it’s own way.
4) The Toras HaBaal Shem Tov about appointing all Kings is visited here, and is explained that the (Yidden’s) Bittul affects that the rulers should be favorably disposed towards Yidden.
5) The Maggid’s Torah about Nissan being about what Hashem gives us.

Hachodesh (1) 5737, Class Two.

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