
22a. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class One.

2a. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class One.
Perek 4-6.
This class is the center of the Ma’amar. The Rebbe addresses the three ideas of בת אחות אם (daughter, sister, mother) that in Kabbalah are Malchus, Z”A, Bina. He connects the three to Pesach (בת- we only take), Shavuos (אחות- where the relationship is two ways: we take and also give), and Sukkos (אם- where we add to Torah something higher than Torah, namely Teshuva.
However, even this Teshuva is connected to the person doing the Avoda of Teshuva and it therefore ahs some limitations.
He the introduces an even higher Teshuva which is connected to total Bittul (the level of בת, daughter which is higher than sister and mother). He argues that this Avoda is both our free will and allowing (through Bittul) for Hashem to work through us. He further argues that Teshuva done with this Bittul allows us -Yidden- to do absolutely everything, nothing is too difficult. He further links this to the idea that the work done at the end of Galus is the greatest because of the difficulties which we overcome through אל יובש מפני המלעיגים, no scoffer can discourage us.

22a. Hachodesh 5735 (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar), Class One.

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