
22a. Re’ei (ראה) 5713 – Class One

22a. Re’ei 5713, Class One.
This class includes the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar that studies and explains the Pesukim ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם וגו and their deeper implication.
Here Hashem is giving into Yidden the Koach from higher than Hishtalshelus to their Avoda in learning Torah and doing Mitzvos.
It begins with four questions about these Pesukim: 1) What is he giving TODAY that is unique, as this Parsha will play out later at Mt. Grizim and Mt. Aival? 2) Why does he repeat אשר אנכי מצוך here when they have so many Mitzvos already? 3) What is the היום what is happening today? 4) Why by the Blessings it says אשר תשמעון and by the curses it says אם לא תשמעון the same expression should be used in both places.
He begins his explanation with the idea of Tefilla and Bracha (and Hoda’a) higher than Hishtalshelus and Hishtalshelus.
He connects it to the letter אל”ף (higher than Hishtalshelus) and בי”ת (Hishtalshelus); and adds that creation must be from Hishtalshelus, but then Mattan Torah can be from above Hishtalshelus, as it [comes after creation (?) and] is from פנימית המקיף.
He then explains that ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם is giving Yidden from above Hishtalshelus as well, and this is happening today etc.
We then go to the end of the Ma’amar and answer the four questions on the Possuk Re’ei.
Most importantly the היום (this day) is understood to mean every day of work (היום לעשותם ולמחר לקבל שכרם) until Moshiach comes.
And on each day we receive from אנכי (above Hishtalshelus) internally לפניכם (which parallels אנכי הוי’ אלוקיך of the ten Commandments).
The expression אשר (that you will rather than if you will) is used because here the Bracha includes both possibilities the work of Tzadik and the work of Ba’alei Teshuva.
As opposed to the Pesukim אם בחוקותי תלכו (Tzadik) and היום אם בקולו תשמעון (Ba’al Teshuva).

22a. Re’ei 5713, Class One.

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