Veata Titzave’ 5741. Said in Johannesburg South Africa on 3 TAMUZ 5771. Three types of Rebbe all inspiring Yidden in the matter of faith yet each has a different method. Kasis LaMaor. ואתה תצוה ה’תשמ”א בלתי מוגה PDF This one class encompasses the entire unedited version of this מאמר Four points: 1) ואתה תצוה in this case משה is the point: to strengthen אידישע אמונה and internalize it. 2) ויקחו אליך causing an עלי’ה in Moshe, who grows in humility as a result of this new relationship, with another (lower) generation. 3) כתית למאור isn’t only for Yidden in Tzaros; but -also- for Yidden in the best of times who know there is no Beis HaMikdash and a lack of divine revelation someplace else. 4) נר תמיד versus what is written by Aharon’s (lighting of the Menorah) מערב עד בקר. The difference is that נר תמיד knows no change or variance.