23. Anochi Anochi 5669, Class Eight. Page 24-26. [Third of the three ideas: מלכות (Part 3)]. The Rebbe RaShaB further develops the idea of Malchus by finding instances where מלכות is called שם (though this Ma’amar distinctly separates שם from מלכות). To explain this he develops the idea of names (that relate to character traits) [שמות ותוארים]. They exist on three levels. (1) שם הפעולה (or שם המושאל as the Tanya calles it) and (2) שם התואר and (3) שם העצם. This class explores this entire issue on all three levels. שם הפעולה- is in Chitzoniyus HaKeilim, what I do (not that well) that does not define me. שם התואר – is in Pnimiyus HaKeilim, what I do I am (naturally and through work) so proficient at that it actually defines me. שם העצם- is the way these Kochos exist in Ohr (as part of the Pshitus of Ohr there’s inclusively all the Kochos and when the Koach manifests from the Phr level it is absolutely incredible.