
23. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 1 of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).

23. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 1 of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).
The Rebbe said 2 Ma’amarim (one on Shabbos 10 Nissan, and one on Sunday 11 Nissan) with the same title (דיבור המתחיל), and the same basic design. This is the first of these two.
The key idea in (both) these Ma’amarim is that בנך means the son on the lowest level.
In this Ma’amar it means the בן רשע (evil son) who corresponds with Asiya; in the next Ma’amar it will correspond to the בן שאינו יודע לשאול (the lowest on terms of his potential).
The Rebbe explains (in THIS Ma’amar) at length why the expression והגדת is used: 1) it means to speak to the lowest child, 2) to teach him by getting him to ask and you answer, 3) the notion of speech is in itself emancipating, 4) the שרש of the word ג-ד means connecting משפיע and מקבל with the power from “רזא דחוכמתא”- Chochma.
This ‘lowest’ son is advantageous to talk to because 1) when you lift the lowest all above it are lifted, 2) the advantage of Teshuva.
לי is forever.
בצאתי ממצרים leaving all limitations.
ביום ההוא even darkness receives light.

23. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 1 of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).

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