24. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Twenty Four.
Posted: December 6, 2022
24. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Twenty Four. Perek 5 (4). The solution to one whos imperfection is this level of ביטול תורה [which is actually דברים בטלים בהיתר (he is allowed to speak idol words, due to his level) but a Mitzvah it wasn’t] is Teshuva. But this is not Teshuva for sin in the conventional sense, rather it is called כל ימיו בתשובה. Normally doing Teshuva your entire life is associated with Teshuva Ila’a; but here it is associated with not being perfect [in other words, not being on the level of בא בימים].
24. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Twenty Four.