
24. Vikacha Tochlu Oso 5737 (this is a 11 Nissan/ Pesach Ma’amar, and the first part of a Hemshech).

Vikacha Tochlu Oso 5737 (this is a 11 Nissan/ Pesach Ma’amar), Class One.
This is the first of two Ma’amarim in a Hemshech.
The idea of Chipozon (haste) will spiritually hold through until Moshiach.
The idea of Chipazon is in Schechina, Yisroel, Mitzrayim.
But it begins with Yidden and from there to Schechina and Mitzrayim.
Chipazon is seen in each of the three ideas of…
מתניכם חגורים Emuna strengthened through Torah Shebaal Peh
נעליכם ברגליכם the Neshama in the “shoe” body animal soul etc. to elevate them.
and מקלכם בידכם sometimes the Yetzer HaRa (doglike) just needs a stick.

Vikacha Tochlu Oso 5737 (this is a 11 Nissan/ Pesach Ma’amar), Class One.

Vikacha Tochlu Oso 5737 (this is a 11 Nissan/ Pesach Ma’amar), Class Two.
This class discusses the idea that כי לא בחפזון תצאו ובמנוסה לא תלכו… במנוחה ונחת תושעון כי הולך לפניהם הוי’ה when Moshiach comes there will no longer be a need for haste.
The Geula will be 1) “day”-like (permanent) 2) and from הוי’ה Himself, without helpers.
The reason will be an Avoda without fear, so, it won’t be in a way of Iskafia only.
The idea of Achdus (on the level of constant creation) will make us Keilim for הוי’ה Himself.

Vikacha Tochlu Oso 5737 (this is a 11 Nissan/ Pesach Ma’amar), Class Two.

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