Kimei Tzaisecha 5737 (Acharon Shel Pesach, cont. Hemshech from 11 Nissan)Class One. This Ma’amar (the second of two parts of a Hemshech based on the וככה תרל”ז) discusses how Liasid will be different than what was by Yetzias Mitzrayim, The Ma’amar begins (however) by pointing out that even after Moshiach comes (and there’s Bekias HaNahar) we will mention Yetzias Mitzrayim (and Kriws Yam Suf) for two reasons: A. The beginning of everything always remains significant and important. B. The ultimate Tachtonim and Iskafia was at Yetzias Mitzrayim (as opposed to when Moshiach comes). The Rebbe says that 1) there won’t be חפזון Liasid but there will be זריזות. 2) This won’t be during the actual Geula (as it was by Yetzias Mitzrayim) but it will be during the preparation for it.
Kimei Tzaisecha 5737 (Acharon Shel Pesach, cont. Hemshech from 11 Nissan)Class Two. Although there is no haste (חפזון) Liasid, they will still look back at what was. Accordingly, there will still be all three ideas (linked to haste) that were needed by the original Yetzias Mitzrayim. מתנכים חגורים Emuna has so many levels, whatever level you know there’s the level above you must believe; Liasid man will know all that is knowable and then believe what is beyond that and they will need ורעה אמונה strengthening of their faith then also. נעליכם ברגליכם The shoe is one thing (נפש הבהמית and working him over); the foot is another (נפש האלקית); and “putting the foot in the shoe is a third idea that benefits both, even the divine Soul benefits from this “relationship”. מקלכם בידכם The stick means to dominate but it doesn’t have to mean dominating a Chutzpa animal it can mean something much more lofty.